30 Sept 2014

26 Sept 2014

22 Sept 2014

19 Sept 2014

How To Highlight Your Face With Powder Products- A Complete Guide

Hello girls!! 
Welcome again!
So today's post is all about how you can highlight your face but i am keeping it simple for beginners so that they can easily understand where to highlight and what products they basically can use to highlight!

 Our face isn't one dimensional basically

14 Sept 2014

How to apply foundation with sponge for a flawless skin!!

Hello lovelies!!
How you all are doing!! :D
First I am sorry for the lack of posts but i will be posting regularly soon :D just give me your love and support as always :)
I have noted down all of your requests and suggestions on what tutorials and topics i should post in the coming future and i promise those all will be up very soon!
So today's post is on how to apply a foundation!

I know it is very basic thing and you will find a lot of tutorials on this but i just want to share my Way of doing this which i am currently loving and want to share with you all.!!
So the truth is basically you can actually apply foundation in any way you like! you can apply it with your fingers (which i dont like! But you can do if you like!), with a brush or with a sponge which today i am gonna demonstrate !!

A sponge!
A foundation or bb or cc cream of your choice!
A tissue paper!!
And lets get into the tutorial!!

(sorry if i am looking like a stupid in the pictures below! I dont have a youtube channel yet so tried my best to demonstrate the technique with pictures!)

First thing we are gonna be doing is splash water on your sponge fully and then squeeze it approx 4 to 5 times to get rid of excess water from it! Make sure it just wet and no water is coming out on squeezing!
Then take your tissue paper and soak excess water if any left in your sponge!

The reason why we are doing this is because sponge tends to absorb the foundation and it wont transfer the product on to your face instead it will eat up all the product -_-
And we dont want water instead of foundation on our face thats why we are making sure that no excess water is left!

Next we are gonna take 2 pumps of our foundation here i am using Maybelline dream liquid mousse foundation in the shade nude light and i am placing it on my face with my fingers first because i dont want my sponge to absorb all of the product! and if you use your fingers you might require a lesser amount of foundation.

Now take your sponge and fold it in half and we ll be using the part shown in the third picture!

So now take your sponge and start pressing it onto your face! Dont drag or sweep because we don't want to take off the product from our face!
By pressing the sponge all over the face what it will do is it will evenly distribute the foundation all over and really melts the product into our skin and make it look like you aren't wearing any foundation and look more like your skin! But in reality we have our foundation on!
Dont forget to cover your nose area, sides of your nose,sides of your lips and under eye area! Look up while you are applying foundation under your eyes!
Apply the foundation to your jaw line and neck too because we dont want to look like we are wearing a mask on our face so apply foundation there too.
You can build your foundation by applying one more layer if u need more coverage or if u have dark circles or any other blemishes which aren't covered by your foundation go ahead and apply a concealer using the same technique i.e first apply it on the area concerned with your finger and then melt the product in with your sponge! And we are done!!
I dont really need any concealer nowadays because i have very minor blemishes which my foundation covers beautifully so i dont apply a concealer!
So this is the final picture!

i hope u enjoyed this tutorial and it was helpful for you guys! please let me know in the comments below if u have any questions regarding this or any other queries!
Read my previous post HERE
Love you guys! Keep supporting :)
See u soon in my next post! it might be up by tomorrow night! it is a requested one! So stay tuned!! :)
posted from Bloggeroid